September Meeting Recap
The West Michigan Sustainable Business Forum met at the Wealthy Theatre in September to discuss the 25 x 25 ballot initiative, which would amend Michigan’s state constitution to raise the Renewable Portfolio Standard from the current 10 percent by 2015 to 25 percent by 2025.
Speaking in favor of the amendment, Rich VanderVeen, the founder and president of Mackinaw Power, advocated for this action as the only way to ingrain this renewable energy idea into this and future state legislatures.
Steve Transeth, senior energy policy advisor for Clean Affordable Renewable Energy for Michigan spoke in opposition to the amendment, deeming it too restrictive.
Both speakers shared a vision of a Michigan with high renewable energy standards, but the real debate was over the correct course of action.
Following the discussion on the ballot initiative, Habitat for Humanity’s Mary Buikema, Chris Hall, Brandyn Deckinga, and Jon Hankins led a walking tour of Habitat for Humanity of Kent County’s current projects in the Wealthy Heights district. Showcasing the unique work of building and renovating in an historic area, while incorporating green building practices, this neighborhood tour presented some of Habitat for Humanity’s most ambitious projects.