Help Bring Green Business Events to Grand Rapids!
Are you a part of an association that hosts a regional or national convention? Do you know someone who is a member of your association and serves on a national board or committee? Please fill out the information below and Experience Grand Rapids will do the rest. We will work with the national or regional office to gather rates for their next open year. Let’s work together to Bring It To Grand Rapids!
It’s a win-win; a great way for you and fellow Michigan members to attend a regional or national convention and a nice economic boost to Michigan’s economy. Completed forms will be entered to win a premium $100 Grand Rapids Gift Basket!
Please fill out these short 5 questions by clicking this link (, or simply type your response below and send it to Nichole Steele (
- What is your name, email, phone number and company/employer?
- What Regional or National Associations are you a member of?
- What Regional or National Associations is your company a member of?
- Do you, or someone you know, serve on any National Boards or Committees? If yes, which Association?
- Who do you suggest we contact that is involved with any of the Associations mentioned above? Please list contact information if possible.
Experience Grand Rapids is the convention and visitors bureau for Grand Rapids/Kent County. They work to impact the economy of Grand Rapids/Kent County by marketing Grand Rapids to meeting planners and visitors. Learn more at: